Thursday, July 23, 2009

Busy Busy Busy...

I have been out of communication for a while due to the fact that once again I have been crafting up a storm in preparation for CRAFT 2.0 (this Saturday 25th July @ the New Dowse 10am til 3pm).
Here are some photos of some of the things I have been creating including my brand new, never been seen before Little imp Knuckle Bones (in a drawstring bag - with rule booklet!!), wrist warmers for littlies and slightly biggeries, two different lengths of Floral Thingamees in two different colour combinations, Organic Merino Booties, Polymer Clay Heart Brooches and Pendants and some of my old faithfuls in new colours.

So come along to Craft 2.0 on Saturday and buy hand-made - you know you want to!!

visit me at Craft2.0